In Roatan they have zoo's where you can walk right in with the animals. He didn't want to turn around, so this is me and a monkey's tail - so soft, so cute to look at.. and so unnerving on your shoulder!

Casey and I left on January first for the west Caribbean. The co-owners of Clear Satellite (Case, Paul and Mark) set up an incentive for their sales men last year and to our delight several hit the mark - requiring us to accompany them on a Cruise! There where 15 in the group, we spent two days at sea and one day in each of the following islands: Grand Cayman, Roatan, Belize, and Cozumel. We played in the sand, held the monkeys, kissed the stingrays and learned a little more about the world. It was wild being 9 days without kids, like an enormous date 24 hours a day - I loved it. And it was so very good to come home - there is something to that business of absence and fondness working so well together. I really missed my kids. And also,... I'm trying to think of a way to sing "God bless America" here - without sounding cheesy. It was so beautiful to see all those things, and also so apparent that this is a promised land. I'm so grateful for our home.