Monday, May 31, 2010

End of year

Good bye to Mrs. West and the first grade. We've been busy with all the end of year activities: fun run, dance festival , field day. It's fun to see him with all his friends, many that he is very excited to keep in touch with during the summer (he came home with a pile of phone numbers that he has collected). During the dance festival they got to wear purple elephant hats and dance to a song from the jungle book - he was practicing marching at home - taking it all very seriously, as he does everything his teacher says. I've learned to make sure I'm on the same side as Mrs. West, as she is always right :). He's so much more aware than i sometimes give him credit for - he amazes me with how much he remembers and can regurgitate. i feel the pressure of being responsible for such a special kid - he will do good things. At night i pray that i can be what he needs me to be. He's growing so fast. I'm so thankful for our Max.

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