Friday, August 13, 2010

Our Sam

He recently said/repeated his first prayer - on his knees while we were holding hands a couple of nights ago. The baby boy phase is gone now and we are in full toddle stage, in the blink of an eye he'll be a little boy. He likes to count "1..3..2". His laugh is a low throaty sound, but his voice is high and loud. He likes to play cars, shoot his finger gun at you and throws himself to the ground when you shoot him back - he uses the "f" word for fork, frog and truck.. (oh my). He also loves princess dress up shoes and applying pink lipstick. Sometimes he just wants Max to hold him and seems to trust Max over any of the other kids around. He has quite a following at church, several of the 10 and 11 year old girls love to vi for his attention, and one 16 year old boy, Hunter - who Sam will choose over any of those giggly girls. He is a mama's boy for now (I usually don't "lose" them to the dark side until their 3 or 4) but he loves to talk to his dad on the phone. He makes us smile when we are trying to be mad at each other - Happy Birthday Sam, we love our number three.


  1. totally one of the most patient one year olds around. LOVE the sambo!

  2. Such a cute kid, happy birthday Sam! Bridger keeps saying he wants to go to Pam's house... I have to admit, sometimes I want that name to stick :P

  3. I love the yummy red punch, pop-cycle, or who knows what he had to makes that BIG red smile!! SOOOOoo very fun!! I love this cute kid!! Happy Birthday to Sam!!
